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Radio advertising campaigns

Radio is among the canon of media through which we can reach both millions of listeners in a nationwide campaign and support a local initiative. How do we really know that as many as 73% of Poles interact with this medium on a daily basis? What opportunities for building reach do we have with campaigns on local stations versus national airwaves? Is it worth paying extra for attendance at the morning drive time? Or would it be a better idea to broadcast the commercial at a time when listeners are returning rather than going to work? And finally - is it possible to combine radio campaigns on traditional radio with radio stations operating on the Internet? There are certainly many more nagging questions about radio campaigns, so feel free to contact us. In addition to talking about the challenges of radio campaigns willingly:

  • We will perform a listening analysis of radio stations in your Target Group.
  • We will select radio stations tailored to your Target Group based on independent research.
  • We will recommend the right broadcast frequency and duration to make the campaign truly "audible".
  • We will prepare spot grids, i.e. the plan of each emission specified with the accuracy of 30 minutes, in order to obtain the best ratio of price to the number of advertising contacts generated.
  • We will conduct price negotiations and purchase airtime that includes an additional agency discount.
  • Together with Jump Agency, we will create a script and produce your radio spot.


Write to us

Develop a brand, increase sales free consultation, free quote

Contact New Business

Krzysztof Piekarski

tel.: +48 697 037 610

mail: k.piekarski@mediacore.pl

domy mediowe w warszawie


Mediacore Sp. z o.o.

02-305 Warsaw

Aleje Jerozolimskie 136

Floor 17 i 18

tel.: +48 22 412 42 04

mail: office@mediacore.pl

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