Do you still define the Target Group by the dimension of several demographic variables, e.g., women 29-54 from cities with a population of more than 50,000? Yes, but this is a very simplified picture and useful only to a small extent (for example, for planning a TV campaign). Thanks to the tremendous opportunities provided by digital media, we can target our Target Group with much greater precision. It is not a monolith, but a collection of smaller segments to which we can target individualized advertising.
How specifically can we support you in this regard:
- We'll give you an idea of what your Target Group looks like from different perspectives: demographic, economic, community, and how their media consumption looks in detail.
- We will show, based on numerical data, what the representatives of your Target Group like and how they spend their free time.
- We will identify the key segments of the Target Group for your business growth and recommend how to reach them and what message will have the highest potential for effective impact.
- We will test how specific segments of the Target Group respond to the campaign and recommend strengthening the campaign's strength in those segments that most effectively achieve the expected goals.
- We will coordinate the execution of dedicated surveys to fully diagnose the attitudes of your potential consumers toward business- and communications-relevant issues.